ANTA Sports Products Limited recognises the value and importance of achieving high corporate governance standards to enhance corporate performance, transparency and accountability, earning the confidence of shareholders and the public. The board of director strives to adhere to the principles of corporate governance and adopt sound corporate governance practices to meet the legal and commercial standards by focusing on areas such as internal control, fair disclosure and accountability to all shareholders. The Company regularly reviews its corporate governance practices to ensure its continuous compliance.
For more detail about ANTA Sports Products Limited's corporate governance, please see the "Corporate Governance Report" section in the latest annual report.
Audit Committee
Mr. Yiu Kin Wah Stephen (committee chairman) Mr. Lai Hin Wing Henry Stephen Ms. Wang Jiaqian Ms. Xia Lian -
Remuneration Committee
Ms. Xia Lian (committee chairman) Mr. Lai Hin Wing Henry Stephen Ms. Wang Jiaqian -
Nomination Committee
Mr. Lai Hin Wing Henry Stephen (committee chairman) Mr. Yiu Kin Wah Stephen Ms. Wang Jiaqian Ms. Xia Lian -
Risk Management Committee
Ms. Wang Jiaqian (committee chairman) Mr. Yiu Kin Wah Stephen Mr. Lai Hin Wing Henry Stephen Ms. Xia Lian Mr. Bi Mingwei -
Sustainability Committee
Mr. Lai Shixian (committee chairman) Mr. Yiu Kin Wah Stephen Mr. Lai Hin Wing Henry Stephen Ms. Wang Jiaqian Ms. Xia Lian Mr. Wu Yonghua Mr. Yiu Wai Hung* Mr. Tsui Yeung* *Non-Board Member -
List of Directors and Their Role and Function
Constitutional Documents
Corporate Governance Policies