• What are principal activities of ANTA Sports Products Limited ("ANTA Sports")?

    ANTA was established in 1991, while ANTA Sports Products Limited, a widely recognized global sportswear company, was listed on the Main Board of HKEx in 2007 (Stock Codes: 2020 (HKD counter) and 82020 (RMB counter)). The mission of the company is to integrate the sports spirit of “Going Beyond Oneself” into everyone’s daily life. ANTA Sports principally engages in design, R&D, manufacturing, marketing and sales of professional sports products including footwear, apparel and accessories. Over the years, the company formed three brand groups: Performance Sports Brands, Fashion Sports Brands and Outdoor Sports Brands, empowering everyone who loves sports. By embracing an all-round brand portfolio including ANTA, FILA, DESCENTE, KOLON SPORT and MAIA ACTIVE, etc., ANTA Sports aims to unlock the potential of both the mass and high-end sportswear markets. ANTA Sports is also the largest shareholder of Amer Sports, Inc., a global group of iconic sports and outdoor brands, including Arc'teryx, Salomon, Wilson, Peak Performance, and Atomic, whose shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: AS).

  • What is the mission of ANTA Sports?

    Our mission is to integrate the sports spirit of "Going beyond oneself" into everyone's daily life.

  • When and on which stock exchange were the shares of ANTA Sports listed?

    Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong on 10 July 2007.

  • What is the stock code of ANTA Sports?

    HKEx - 2020 (HKD counter) and 82020 (RMB counter), Reuters - 2020.HK, Bloomberg - 2020:HK and 82020:HK, MSCI - 3741301.

  • What is the board lot size of ANTA Sports?

    The board lot size is 200 shares.

  • What is the total number of issued shares?

    The total number of issued shares is 2,832,623,500 shares (as at 31 December 2023).

  • Is ANTA Sports one of the constituents of any Indexes?

    1. HSI - Hang Seng Index
    2. HSCEI - Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
    3. HSML100 - Hang Seng China (Hong Kong-listed) 100 Index
    4. HSFML25 - Hang Seng China (Hong Kong-listed) 25 Index
    5. HSCI - Hang Seng Composite Index
    6. HSCICD - Hang Seng Composite Industry Index – Consumer Discretionary
    7. HSLI - Hang Seng Composite LargeCap Index
    8. HSLMI - Hang Seng Composite LargeCap & MidCap Index
    9. HSLMIV - Hang Seng Large-Mid Cap (Investable) Index
    10. HSSCNAH - Hang Seng SCHK ex-AH Companies Index
    11. HSSCMLC - Hang Seng SCHK Mainland China Companies Index
    12. HSHKI - Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Index
    13. HSSCHK - Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Composite Index
    14. HSCGS - Hang Seng Consumer Goods & Services Index
    15. HSIESG - HSI ESG Index
    16. HSCEESG - HSCEI ESG Index
    17. HSESG50 - Hang Seng ESG 50 Index
    18. HSHKS50 - Hang Seng Stock Connect Hong Kong Top Shareholding 50 Index
    19. BWORLD - Bloomberg World Index
    20. BESGPRO - Bloomberg ESG Data Index
    21. BWRETL - Bloomberg World Retail Index
    22. SBBMGLU - S&P Global BMI (US Dollar)
    23. SCRTCN - S&P China BMI Index
    24. SCRTEM - S&P Emerging BMI Index
  • What is the procedure for shareholders to propose a person for election as director?

    Pursuant to article 85 of the Company's articles of association, if a Shareholder wishes to propose a person (other than a retiring Director or a person recommended by the Board) for election as a Director at a general meeting and such Shareholder (other than the person to be proposed) is duly qualified to attend and vote at such general meeting, such Shareholder (other than the person to be proposed), should lodge a written notice signed by him to articulate his intention to propose such person for election and a written notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected at the Hong Kong SAR principal office of the Company, which is presently situated at 16/F, Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, or at the Company's Hong Kong SAR branch share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712–16, 17/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR. The notices should be given within the period commencing on the day after despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and ending no later than seven days prior to the date of such general meeting and such period shall be at least seven days.

  • Who is Cayman Islands principal share registrar and transfer office of ANTA Sports?

    Suntera (Cayman) Limited

  • Who and where is the Hong Kong SAR branch share registrar and transfer office of ANTA Sports?

    Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited whose address is Shops 1712 - 1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR

  • Where is the office of ANTA Sports in Hong Kong SAR?

    16/F, Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

  • Where are ANTA Sports' headquarters located?

    We have operation centers in Jinjiang and Xiamen, Fujian Province. Detailed address

  • What is the fiscal year of ANTA Sports?

    31 December.

  • How do I get the ANTA Sports' financial report?

    The financial reports are available from our website at Financial Report or you can download from the "HKEXnews" website.

  • Who are ANTA Sports' senior management?

    Please refer to the Directors and Senior Management on the website.

  • How can I contact the company?

    Please feel free to contact our IR department by:

    - Tel: (852) 2116 1660
    - Fax: (852) 2116 1590
    - Email: ir@anta.com.hk

    Or, simply click here to send us your enquiry

  • Where can I get more information about the company's business?

    Please visit our brand website which provides a lot of details about our products, marketing campaigns and events, latest news and the location of our shops.